This afternoon was our first District Technology meeting for the school year. It lasted the full two hours and most of the time was spent discussing the implementation of the Technology Plan. As a Technology Facilitator, I am to see that the staff is re-educated as to the components of this plan with a specific thread to the NETS (see posting below for more on the NETS). I believe that Lyon staff members are aware of the NETS and how important they are when discussing the integration of technology into the curriculum. From this point on, I know that our Lunch N' Learn's will be a great arena for discussion, planning, and creating. I hope that the staff that came for the first session, which was more of a "what will we do" session, will continue to share my enthusiasm and bring more team members along. I am currently working on which NETS we will cover for the 12th. I will post and send an email, too, sharing this information. When we cover a NETS at a Lunch N' Learn, we will brainstorm how our students can be introduced to the indicated skill(s). We will look to see that our technology activities are engaging, rich in content, and skill building. Our conversations and creativity flowing from these Lunch N' Learn's should not end when our hour is over. I hope to continue brainstorming and developing plans throughout the months between our scheduled sessions. Something important to remember is that these indicators within the NETS are to be achieved over a time period of two to three years. The NETS that Lyon focus' on are for the K-2 student. To download a printable NETS sheet for your reflection or organizational purposes, check out the link that Doree and I created for our presentation last year. Copy and Paste -
We did put a lot of time into that site for IL-TCE last year so we hope it still gets some use. (Maybe it will be a Friday Fix focus...thanks Kristen for the suggestion)
There will be many levels of technology introduction, practice and mastery in the building. This is the first exposure to technology for some children and for others, just a continuation of what is provided at home. Let's make sure that the Lyon Technology experience is one of education, application, and celebration (ok, I was stumped on another -ation word..where is Mary and Gary when you need them!) :) :)
Please comment...I would love to hear your thoughts.