Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A short Tech Plan/NETS history and update...

At a recent Technology Facilitator meeting, it was discussed how each of our buildings were going to re-introduce the technology plan to our teachers and staff. We also considered how to bring the NETS back to the surface. Two years ago, a log or record keeping book was created for my data collection project. I wanted to see the progression of our K-2 students throughout the year in regards to the performance indicators set by the NETS project. For the record, our students did very well and were either at the reinforcement level or mastery level. I believe that keeping that log or record book kept these standards in perspective and teachers were comfortable seeing what great integration projects we were doing and where they fell into the range of technology skills and abilities. This year, I would like to see teachers REFLECT more on these activities verses always recording in a data collection book. Our school technology team will be working all year to collaborate and share with each other ways to integrate technology into the curriculum. Here is the link to our district technology plan

Our Mission
We will remain at the forefront of technology integration and the development of technological literacy
across our learning community in order to meet the needs of a constantly evolving world.

In collaboration with parents and the community, the Glenview Public Schools are committed to providing
progressive and productive technologies for educators and for students as we prepare them to become
lifelong learners and responsible decision makers in a changing society. We value technology as a tool
for its ability to facilitate communication and enhance the learning of all students within and beyond the
classroom walls