Saturday, April 26, 2008

Being Googley

I recently read from Google about their design and thought it could connect to teaching and learning. Here is a list of ten design principles that will guide Google's work and define what makes their products “Googley“. What are my thoughts are in itallics

1. Focus on people—their lives, their work, their dreams. Our students
2. Every millisecond counts. The teachable moment
3. Simplicity is powerful. What is the goal - how simple to get there
4. Engage beginners and attract experts. Collaborative groups learn from each other
5. Dare to innovate. Web 2.0, Learner Teacher, shift in roles
6. Design for the world. The kids need to be prepared for the world
7. Plan for today’s and tomorrow’s business. Dynamics of teaching have changed - teach as if it was tomorrow not as if it was yesterday
8. Delight the eye without distracting the mind. Engagement; Focus
9. Be worthy of people’s trust. Advocate for your students - what is best for students
10. Add a human touch. Approachable, flexible, compassion

Think about do you think it relates to teaching and learning???