Copyright is always an important topic to discuss and share with staff to make sure the law is understood in an educational setting. It is important to make sure that our students understand it as well and know what the consequences are to the mis-use of copyrighted materials.
The Center for Internet and Society from Standford Law School is an excellent resource.
I came across a video on YouTube and followed it back to it's place of origin...The CIS (Center for Internet and Society). It is a video explaining copyright using characters from Disney. Words are spliced and edited together to explain copyright.
From the website...
Professor Eric Faden of Bucknell University created this humorous, yet informative, review of copyright principles delivered through the words of the very folks we can thank for nearly endless copyright terms.
The video can be streamed, downloaded or viewed in YouTube. As in all my posts, the title of this post is the link to the site of this CIS.
Take a look...the 10 minutes or so are worth it!