Yesterday, I was a part of a Technology in Education Symposium for National-Louis University. I received my M.Ed in 2004 in the TIE program. It was and still is an engaging and worthwhile program. The title link will take you to the NLU site for this program if you are interested in learning more in the Technology in Education program NLU offers.
I presented with two other graduates from this program who are champions for the technology in education cause. The three of us shared integrated technology activites and how they are related to curriculum standards as well as the technology standards. I sat in awe listening to my co-presenters. This symposium was organized by a professor who also is my former advisor for the TIE program. What a great event.
What I appreciated most about this time was not only was I a presenter, I was an active participant, too. I learned from questions and comments from the audience, made a few networking connections and met some really nice people.
We all attended the symposium with the same goal; to seek out opportunities to integrate technology into the curriculum for student engagement and enrichment.
I believe that goal was met...