Well, we missed last month and I must apologize...it seemed as if the flu bug of all sorts had gotton to my entire family. Thanks for understanding when I had to cancel. We can talk about how we are going to make it up.
(A blogging admission... I cannot for the life of me, figure out in this version of blogger, how to activate links within posts. Any of the links you see below, please copy and paste them in your address bar to access the page. I will keep trying to figure this out...the blogger help does not seem to be helping at all!)
As for today, I would like to share with you three resources. One is a weblink that I came across again just recently. I had used this a few years back with a Multi-Aged classroom data collection project. I ran across it again when the building Reading Specialist asked me a question about it. It seems that our Psychologist, Dr. Rehfeldt (who happens to partake in these Lunch and Learns) shared it during an awesome class on data collection for district staff members. I would like to see our students again use this tool to organize and make visual "sense" of data collected. Some examples could be classroom favorite sports teams, lunch food preferences, favorite school subjects, favorite holidays, favorite movies and much more! I will be honest, I had to look back in the classroom folder to see how the MA team integrated this tool. Actually, one of those teachers ( Hello, Miss Aronow) has been seen at our Lunch and Learns, too! Here is the link
I would like to share two software titles that the district has purchased.
The first is Stationary Studio. Are you frustrated with the student use of Word at our grade level? Well, this software will take your word processing worries away. Stationary Studio is an introductory word processor with all of the basics and none of the confusion! You can create customized stationery with appropriate writing line styles, layouts and fonts (including dotted fonts) for students’ handwritten activities. We are going to look at the "quick tour" from this website.
Lastly, there is Comic Life... yup, it is just that a comic creating software title.
There are many links to how this can be used in the classroom. My best guess is that your creativity as a teacher will stand out when finding ways to integrate into your curriculum. I am posting the following links for you to see some examples of how Comic Life can and is being used in the classroom curriculum. I have some ideas but they are racing right now in my head...when I organize all of them, we can talk.
From Essential Teacher - http://www.tesol.org/s_tesol/secetdoc.asp?CID=1342&DID=6872
From Education World - http://www.education-world.com/a_tech/tech/tech226.shtml
From informit.com - http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=446796&seqNum=1&rl=1
From Lewis Elementary - http://tim.lauer.name/2006/05/28/comic-life-at-lewis-elementary/
From Country Meadows School - http://www.countrymeadows.district96.k12.il.us/PACE.html (thanks, Judi!)
So, how do these resources meet the NETS for Students?
Here are my thoughts
Profile 2 - . Use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities
Profile 8 - Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners
Profile 9 - Use technology resources (e.g., puzzles, logical thinking programs, writing tools, digital cameras, drawing tools) for problem solving, communication, and illustration of thoughts, ideas, and stories.